API Reference
The @c15t/react package provides a React-specific components and hooks for managing privacy consents.
The useConsentManager
hook is used to access the consent manager state and methods.
Example Usage
Prop | Type | Default |
consents | ConsentState | - |
consentInfo | { time: number; type: "necessary" | "all" | "custom"; } | - |
showPopup | boolean | - |
isLoadingConsentInfo | boolean | - |
gdprTypes | AllConsentNames[] | - |
isPrivacyDialogOpen | boolean | - |
complianceSettings | Record<ComplianceRegion, ComplianceSettings> | - |
callbacks | Callbacks | - |
detectedCountry | string | - |
locationInfo | LocationInfo | - |
jurisdictionInfo | JurisdictionInfo | - |
privacySettings | PrivacySettings | - |
translationConfig | TranslationConfig | - |
setTranslationConfig | (config: TranslationConfig) => void | - |
includeNonDisplayedConsents | boolean | - |
consentTypes | ConsentType[] | - |
setConsent | (name: AllConsentNames, value: boolean) => void | - |
setShowPopup | (show: boolean, force?: boolean | undefined) => void | - |
setIsPrivacyDialogOpen | (isOpen: boolean) => void | - |
saveConsents | (type: "necessary" | "all" | "custom") => void | - |
resetConsents | () => void | - |
setGdprTypes | (types: AllConsentNames[]) => void | - |
setComplianceSetting | (region: ComplianceRegion, settings: Partial<ComplianceSettings>) => void | - |
resetComplianceSettings | () => void | - |
setCallback | (name: keyof Callbacks, callback: CallbackFunction | undefined) => void | - |
setDetectedCountry | (country: string) => void | - |
setLocationInfo | (location: LocationInfo | null) => void | - |
setJurisdictionInfo | (jurisdiction: JurisdictionInfo | null) => void | - |
fetchConsentBannerInfo | (url?: string | undefined) => Promise<ConsentBannerResponse | undefined> | - |
getDisplayedConsents | () => ConsentType[] | - |
hasConsented | () => boolean | - |
clearAllData | () => void | - |
updateConsentMode | () => void | - |
setPrivacySettings | (settings: Partial<PrivacySettings>) => void | - |
getEffectiveConsents | () => ConsentState | - |
hasConsentFor | (consentType: AllConsentNames) => boolean | - |
setIncludeNonDisplayedConsents | (include: boolean) => void | - |
The useTranslations
hook is used to translate the text of the consent manager. See the internationalization guide for more information.
Example Usage
Returns a Translations
object containing all the text strings used, organized by component:
Prop | Type | Default |
cookieBanner | Partial<CookieBannerTranslations> | - |
consentManagerDialog | Partial<ConsentManagerDialogTranslations> | - |
consentManagerWidget | Partial<ConsentManagerWidgetTranslations> | - |
consentTypes | Partial<ConsentTypesTranslations> | - |
The ConsentManagerProvider
component is used to provide the consent manager context to the components that need it.
Prop | Type | Default |
children | ReactNode | - |
initialGdprTypes? | AllConsentNames[] | - |
initialComplianceSettings? | Record<ComplianceRegion, ComplianceSettings> | - |
noStyle? | boolean | false |
disableAnimation? | boolean | false |
theme? | Partial<{ 'banner.root': ThemeValue; 'banner.card': ThemeValue<CardCSSVariables>; 'banner.header.root': ThemeValue<HeaderCSSVariables>; ... 7 more ...; 'banner.overlay': ThemeValue<...>; }> & Partial<...> | - |
translationConfig? | any | - |
trackingBlockerConfig? | any | - |
scrollLock? | boolean | false |
trapFocus? | boolean | true |
Example Usage
The CookieBanner
component is used to display the cookie banner. See the cookie banner guide for more information.
Prop | Type | Default |
theme? | Partial<{ 'banner.root': ThemeValue; 'banner.card': ThemeValue<CardCSSVariables>; 'banner.header.root': ThemeValue<HeaderCSSVariables>; ... 7 more ...; 'banner.overlay': ThemeValue<...>; }> | undefined |
noStyle? | boolean | false |
title? | ReactNode | undefined |
description? | ReactNode | undefined |
rejectButtonText? | ReactNode | undefined |
customizeButtonText? | ReactNode | undefined |
acceptButtonText? | ReactNode | undefined |
scrollLock? | boolean | false |
trapFocus? | true | true |
Example Usage
The ConsentManagerDialog
component is used to display the consent manager in a dialog. See the consent manager dialog guide for more information.
Prop | Type | Default |
disableAnimation? | boolean | - |
open? | boolean | - |
Example Usage
This component is the core interface for detailed privacy consent management, enabling users to fine-tune their privacy preferences through an intuitive accordion interface. Learn more
Prop | Type | Default |
hideBrading? | boolean | - |
useProvider? | boolean | - |
Example Usage